sister circle travels had to begin somewhere…

Founded in 2024, two sisters and bffs decided to extend their love and knowledge of Italy with sisters from all their life corners. They’re dedicated to creating a magical Italian adventure for you and your bffs, family, spouse, and especially your sister! But don’t worry, if you don’t have a sister they’ve got many sisters to share. They want to widen their travel circle and welcome you to elevate your vacay.

Meet The Sisters

Italy native since 2016 and current citizen, Hannah has planned and executed almost a million Italian getaways for friends and family. Her travel expertise began in tuscany and reaches down to the heel of Italy’s boot in Puglia. She is not only fluent in Italian but in organization, prosecco, and fun.

Hannah Stinnett, Co-Founder

USA native since 2000 and lifelong citizen, Emily met and fell in love with Italy in the summer of 2021. She refuses to let her passport become dusty and refuses to break up with her long distance romance that is a cappuccino with Nutella cornetto. Now she’s ready to share her love with sisters across the globe. Emily is not fluent in Italian but can recite numbers 1-100.

Emily Stinnett, Co-Founder



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